Holy Land trip '12! We'll be blogging about our preparation for the trip, day by day insights & posting pix of our journey. Enjoy!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Up and Not Ready...
It's 1am here in Jerusalem. We pull out in an hour or so. It's definitely been a short night...with no sleep thus far. Hopefully, I'll get some sleep on the long bus ride back to Tel Aviv and then and on the 9 hour flight :)
It's been an awesome time here in the Holy Land. Trip #2 for me has definitely has it's own personality to it and I think it only right! I have made new & wonderful friends, renewed past ones & deepened the ones that were here.
I can't wait to share ALL the pictures with you. We're definitely not short on any. Just between the Texas people, I believe we've taken over 2,000....no exaggeration. Hey, can you blame us?!?! We want to take as much home with us as possible.
When I get to NYC, I'll have more time to post pix due to the 5-6 hour delay....for now...I'm gonna go catch a cat nap till leaving time. Ugh...gotta admit that this is the sad part. I am tired and ready for Texas home, family and friends......but part of me is left more. Each time the pieces left seem to increase. I miss the people in my life that make it so meaningful day to day most.....if only this land wasn't completely on the other side of the world.
Who's up for a little visit to Tiberias (Galilee) in the summer/fall?????
Friday, February 24, 2012
From Cindy.....aka MOM
We have not been able to get on the internet.for days.... but this evening we can get on yea!!!! so the kids r going to work on the blog ... Its just like everyone says ... there are no words to say what its like being here... the information you hear while on the tours, the sights, it is not like any trip I have ever been on... its truly a spiritual inward feeling... I cant really say its restful as far as my body is getting refreshed but my spiritual man is very refreshed and the peace that is coming for me is inward....
My husband baptised me yesterday in the Jordon River. That was such a emotional moment for me....In fact the whole rest of the day was.. But that was a good thing.
While reading Det. 12... it was like I could put all the places together and the wonders of the Bible came alive... Tonight we came into Jerusalem,Now that was a really awww moment. It was raining a light mist.but yet seems like I could hear the Gaither group singing the Song here that they sang on the Homecoming video ... Jerusalem,,, Jerusalem.....
the next 3 days will be here .
It is cold here tonight and it is also the beginning of the Jewish Sabbath. So what that means is every thing closes at 4;00 and they have to be home by 5 ... because they honor the sabbeth at Sundown... I think I thats a great idea...
Tomorrow they told us to really layer because its suppose to even be colder... I am really looking forward to Sunday because we go to the dead sea... Lots of fun times and lots of reflecting ... We have had a great group and have enjoyed the fellowship of others .. Im sure the kids will keep the pictures coming for everyone... they are getting ready to load up now... love everyone....
My husband baptised me yesterday in the Jordon River. That was such a emotional moment for me....In fact the whole rest of the day was.. But that was a good thing.
While reading Det. 12... it was like I could put all the places together and the wonders of the Bible came alive... Tonight we came into Jerusalem,Now that was a really awww moment. It was raining a light mist.but yet seems like I could hear the Gaither group singing the Song here that they sang on the Homecoming video ... Jerusalem,,, Jerusalem.....
the next 3 days will be here .
It is cold here tonight and it is also the beginning of the Jewish Sabbath. So what that means is every thing closes at 4;00 and they have to be home by 5 ... because they honor the sabbeth at Sundown... I think I thats a great idea...
Tomorrow they told us to really layer because its suppose to even be colder... I am really looking forward to Sunday because we go to the dead sea... Lots of fun times and lots of reflecting ... We have had a great group and have enjoyed the fellowship of others .. Im sure the kids will keep the pictures coming for everyone... they are getting ready to load up now... love everyone....
The neat place we ate. Family style is very important in these countries. It's really cool!
1/2 our group @ Petra
NOT a bloody mary...or is it?! hehe (it's actually orange juice..honest!)
Our Hosts!
1/2 our group @ Petra
NOT a bloody mary...or is it?! hehe (it's actually orange juice..honest!)
Our Hosts!
In Petra
Eating pita, meats, cheese, coffee that'll make you grow a mustache in one sip, and fresh juices. Fun stuff! Culture in action!!
RD's Thoughts on NYC & Petra
So the adventure
begins in New York City. During
our two-day stint in NYC, we visited the iconic Times Square at night. It was
spectacular with all the lights and stores it was definitely sensory
overload. But, I thought that the
sights of Times Square could not be matched.
I woke up in the morning
in Petra, looked off my hotel balcony and my breath left me. Before me was a huge canyon with the
sun light reflecting off the sandstone cliffs; it created a majestic sight. At that moment, I knew that this trip was
truly going to be life changing.
So after breakfast we left to go see The
Treasury, which is a famous sight in Jordan. It consists of a huge facade that has been used in many
movies from Indiana Jones to Transformers. The chance to see this sight would have been awesome in itself,
but to arrive at The Treasury you have to walk through a canyon whose natural
beauty is only enhanced by its historical significance.
The canyon was
used as a route to help escape the heat of the desert sun. Water ducts were
carved out to help channel and collect the precious rainwater and later the
Romans incorporated it as part of the Roman Road. The sheer rugged nature and beauty of this land, especially
with the modern technology and comforts, has a way of causing you to forget
that this is a desert and that the hardships of daily life that must have
existed for the nomadic people that used these canyons and created these great
works of art.
It is amazing to
see the skill and ingenuity of these people that such massive monuments were
built with such precision in a medium that does not allow for mistakes. Just the time and dedication alone
needed to complete just one of the many works in this one area would almost be
an undertaking of a lifetime.
The Romans incorporation
of these old routes just further emphasizes the importance of the canyons. The Romans laid down huge limestone pavers
that were typical for Roman roads, but they also built a fountain.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Day 3
Day 3-
I'm writing this while we're traveling 3-4 hours toward Mt. Nebo. We all thoroughly enjoyed our time in Petra! It's a 4 mile walk from the bus stop to the end of the trail. So we definitely got our work out there & back. Petra is so breathtaking. It's not just the Treasury itself, although the hand made architecture is mind blowing, but the trail is so awesome. The rock walls engulf the trail with sandstone writings, carvings, and color splashes on the walls.
Are very aggressive in their approach. They insist for you to buy and will follow you around until you give in or they get mad at you. It's a bargainers heaven. You should never take their 1st offer. Robin had to learn the hard way and was a target at the beginning, but by the end of the day she walked away and won most ever battle with them :) I loved watching mom's face seeing everything for the 1st time. Words just fall short of the glory of it all. Another thing about the natives is that they are a very…uummm I'll be nice and say flirtatious. haha No proposals of marriage this time….I avoided it as much as possible. Dad was more keen on getting the horses and camels this time. ;-P Most all are welcoming and value your business.
The camel ride was a total trot/run this time and I'm feeling the affects it today.
We're talking Daniel fast friendly food!! With the exception of a little fish, chicken and meat. They are really big on cheeses; goat, cow, and uuummm COW! We had box lunches waiting for us when we reached Amman, Jordan Monday. They had a small loaf of bread, American yellow cheese, a 1/3 of a chicken, goat cheese, Greek yogurt, cucumber (amazing), tomato, Jordan's take on an Oreo Cookie. :) I couldn't eat much of any of it because it wasn't gluten free, but what I could eat was yummy! They generally serve cheese, yogurt, breads, pita, tomatoes and cucumbers with most ever meal. It's apparently very common foods that are locally grown in abundance. You'll pass a neighborhood or a little town area and see a tomato vine growing on the light poles.
The meals are somewhat Mediterranean in nature. Very yummy though for all of you squinting your faces at the healthiness factor. ;)
They had a SUPER amazing bread pudding last night that everyone was going on and on about, so I gave into temptation. I only took about 2-3 bites but that was enough. Yep, you guessed it. My throat rebelled and started closing. I took my benadryl though and was completely knocked out and hour later. Fun times!
Simplistic. Nothing extravagant by any means, but in Jordan they are the 4th poorest country in the world. Water is like gold. In the Americas we give water out freely and charge for coffee and tea. Here, it's totally opposite. Cigaret companies are making large off these countries. Virtually EVERYONE smokes. It's a large part of their culture and they realize it's a bad habit. As americans chew gum or mints…they smoke. The elevators are NOT for the faint of heart or the closterfobic. lol the max is 4 people and thats face to face.
I'm super excited for the rest of our group toe arrive today. Erdie & Cameron coming in sometime this evening in Tiberas. But until then, we're visiting Mt. Nebo, Jordan river (the place where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.) and move onto Israel.
I'm hoping for warmer weather. Snow isn't quite what I packed for ;)-
I'm typing this while we're traveling….which is now under the sea level.
We've been having trouble uploading the videos directly to this site so what we're going to do tonight is download them on Youtube then post a link for you guys to go check out.
Just pulling into the Jordan river. Until tonight my time…morning yours. :)
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
1st Day In Petra
Hey all!
We've already had an eventful trip! I will give more detail VERY soon. Our bus is about to pull out to go see the Treasury (Indiana Jones movie icon) so I can't leave a long message. I'll have more time after we get back.
We're working on videos...the file size is too big.
Love you guys!
We've already had an eventful trip! I will give more detail VERY soon. Our bus is about to pull out to go see the Treasury (Indiana Jones movie icon) so I can't leave a long message. I'll have more time after we get back.
We're working on videos...the file size is too big.
Love you guys!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
New York bound
*long sigh of relief* the packing is finally over for us 3 Sheridans! I'm certain I overpacked...again. Haha on our way now to the airport. Let's pray all our bags (mine & moms) ;)- are under the 50 pound mark. :)
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Disney Dreams
That moment when you're opening the present you believe to be "IT!" That thing you wished for most of all. Or it could be the moment when you're totally shocked by getting "IT" because you didn't make an ordeal of it....but somehow they just KNEW!!
Shock. Surprise! Awe. Excitement. Happy Dance. Joy. Tears. Overwhelmed. Content. Fairy Tale. Disney moment. That moment for us has almost arrived. 9 days and counting!! I'm sure if you're anything like me, you're asking yourself if you've forgotten anything on your mile-long-list.
Today, when reflecting, my mind goes to the thoughts of being 'Home.' I love my house. Mom has made it so homey and I only HOPE to make mine 1/2 as awesome someday. But after going 2 years ago to the Holy Land, I left my heart. So today, I feel like I'm going home & this makes me happy.
"Praise be to the Lord from Zion, to him who dwells in Jerusalem. Praise the Lord." Psalm 135:21
Shock. Surprise! Awe. Excitement. Happy Dance. Joy. Tears. Overwhelmed. Content. Fairy Tale. Disney moment. That moment for us has almost arrived. 9 days and counting!! I'm sure if you're anything like me, you're asking yourself if you've forgotten anything on your mile-long-list.
Today, when reflecting, my mind goes to the thoughts of being 'Home.' I love my house. Mom has made it so homey and I only HOPE to make mine 1/2 as awesome someday. But after going 2 years ago to the Holy Land, I left my heart. So today, I feel like I'm going home & this makes me happy.
"Praise be to the Lord from Zion, to him who dwells in Jerusalem. Praise the Lord." Psalm 135:21
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
What's On Your To-Do Lists?
Well, we have now reached the 2 week 4 days mark! Can you believe it?! The closer "Travel-Day" gets I find myself getting giddy, looking, & feeling like this little girl.

Then, when I think of the things that still need to be done, I end up looking like her....
No, not really. ;-P
But I would LOVE some impute from you guys!!
What do you have that I may not? What's your "to-do" list look like?? Your impute may help us pack more mindfully.
Here's my list:

Then, when I think of the things that still need to be done, I end up looking like her....
No, not really. ;-P
But I would LOVE some impute from you guys!!
What do you have that I may not? What's your "to-do" list look like?? Your impute may help us pack more mindfully.
Here's my list:
- At least 2 pair of comfy shoes
- Gluten Free snacks
- Emergen-C (energy stuff for water)
- Outlet plugs
- Ear Phones
- Jacket
- Neck Pillow
- Shoulder/Messenger bag (instead of purse)
- Book (for plane...they'll have movies & music on each individual TV)
- Skype (to communicate with family)
- Clean off phone & camera
- Make sure bases are covered at work
- Try on clothes--Do I like everything? Mix & match.
- Comfy clothes for travel days
- Computer
- Swimming Clothes & shoes for Dead Sea & baptism in Jordan River
- Do I have room for souvenirs?
Thursday, January 19, 2012
1 Month from Today I'll Be....
...in New York, setting in Brooklyn Tab church, & very soon I'll be heading towards the JFK airport. In that moment, the anticipation is almost unbearable & you end up telling everyone you talk to that "I'm going to the Holy Land & I'm SOOOOOOOOO excited!!!!!" :-D
Now, back to reality. How are your preparations coming? Have you thought about what you're going to be wearing? How you're going to pack? Plug-in adapters? Comfy shoes you want to take? What device you're going to use to capture each moment? (camera, phone, video camera, etc)
There are so many things to consider when it comes to packing & preparing for this kind of trip, but let me remind you....DON'T PANIC!!! Enjoy this process.
Also, if you have any questions you're more than welcome to text, call or post a blog asking those that are going through the same stuff you are & may have some good advice concerning the subject matter you're worried about. However you feel most comfortable.
I'll be posting more info & tips soon. My excitement is building! :)
Here's the countdown.....
Now, back to reality. How are your preparations coming? Have you thought about what you're going to be wearing? How you're going to pack? Plug-in adapters? Comfy shoes you want to take? What device you're going to use to capture each moment? (camera, phone, video camera, etc)
There are so many things to consider when it comes to packing & preparing for this kind of trip, but let me remind you....DON'T PANIC!!! Enjoy this process.
Also, if you have any questions you're more than welcome to text, call or post a blog asking those that are going through the same stuff you are & may have some good advice concerning the subject matter you're worried about. However you feel most comfortable.
I'll be posting more info & tips soon. My excitement is building! :)
Here's the countdown.....
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Making Preparations for the Grand Adventure
I have booked a flight to New York, arranged to borrow a large suit case, purchased camera to share this adventure with everyone, trying to negotiate a ride to the airport, and now starting check list of items needed.
I plan on doing a daily video journal of the trip but don't know if I will be bringing my laptop therefore posting updates maybe a problem.
I plan on doing a daily video journal of the trip but don't know if I will be bringing my laptop therefore posting updates maybe a problem.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Fighting the Monster Jet Lag
It's quite possible that the reason I'm blogging about jet lag is because I'm OOBER sleepy this morning. HA! It's reminding me of my 1st trip to the Holy Land; I wasn't prepared for the jet lag nor had I ever experienced it this badly.
Dad didn't seem to struggle with it since his adrenaline kept him going like the energizer bunny, but dear friends...I FELT DRUGGED!
You may be wondering exactly what jet lag is. MSN posted an artical from "The Independant Traveler" that I found to be helpful! It's a bit long, but VERY worth the read. Here it is:
Jet lag is physical reaction to a rapid change in time zones. It affects most travelers, including seasoned fliers like flight attendants and pilots. Common symptoms include disorientation, irritability, fatigue, swollen limbs and eyes, headaches, cold-like symptoms, and irregular bowels.
Long-haul flying can be debilitating. Dehydration, unfamiliar foods, cramped spaces, recycled air, lack of sleep, uncomfortable clothes, continual low-level noise, connections that disrupt sleep, and other factors all add to the misery of jet lag, and can even make you feel jet lagged when you're just a little beat up.
A general rule of thumb to keep in mind before any long trip is the 1:1 ratio: allow yourself one day to recover for every hour time difference you experience.
Adjust your habits before you leave. If you are traveling from the East to the West Coast, you're facing a three-hour time change and you should try to adjust your internal clock. Three or four days before you leave, start to stay up a little later than usual, and sleep in a little longer. That way, if you become accustomed to falling asleep at 1 a.m. and waking up at 9 a.m. on the East Coast, it will be the same as falling asleep at 10 p.m. and waking up at 6 a.m. on the West Coast. Traveling west to east, do the opposite: get up and go to bed earlier.
During the Flight
Perhaps the most effective way to combat jet lag while in flight is to treat your body well. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of nonalcoholic, non-caffeinated fluids. Don't be afraid to ask your flight attendant for extra water.
Restrict your diet to foods that are easily digested, like those that are relatively high in fiber but not too rich. Fats tend to keep you awake, while carbs usually put you to sleep. If you need to stay awake to help you get on local time, eat peanuts, eggs, meats and other high-protein or fatty foods. If you need to fall asleep, eat carbs like pasta or bread.
Dad didn't seem to struggle with it since his adrenaline kept him going like the energizer bunny, but dear friends...I FELT DRUGGED!
You may be wondering exactly what jet lag is. MSN posted an artical from "The Independant Traveler" that I found to be helpful! It's a bit long, but VERY worth the read. Here it is:
Jet lag is physical reaction to a rapid change in time zones. It affects most travelers, including seasoned fliers like flight attendants and pilots. Common symptoms include disorientation, irritability, fatigue, swollen limbs and eyes, headaches, cold-like symptoms, and irregular bowels.
Long-haul flying can be debilitating. Dehydration, unfamiliar foods, cramped spaces, recycled air, lack of sleep, uncomfortable clothes, continual low-level noise, connections that disrupt sleep, and other factors all add to the misery of jet lag, and can even make you feel jet lagged when you're just a little beat up.
On long flights, especially red-eye flights, you can lose several hours of sleep time, which can set you back considerably even without the jarring time change. If you live by a regular schedule (up at 7, in bed by 10 every night), watch out. Jet lag hits those with rigid body clocks the hardest.
Before You Go
Treat your body well before you fly. Exercise, sleep well, stay hydrated . Some travelers like to exercise before they go to the airport. (This can actually help you sleep better on the plane.) Once you're at the airport, avoid the escalators and moving sidewalks; instead, walk and take the stairs on the way to your check-in area and gate connections.
Treat your body well before you fly. Exercise, sleep well, stay hydrated . Some travelers like to exercise before they go to the airport. (This can actually help you sleep better on the plane.) Once you're at the airport, avoid the escalators and moving sidewalks; instead, walk and take the stairs on the way to your check-in area and gate connections.
Wearing two watches, one set to the current time, and one to the time at your destination, can help you prepare yourself mentally for the coming time change.
Perhaps the most effective way to combat jet lag while in flight is to treat your body well. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of nonalcoholic, non-caffeinated fluids. Don't be afraid to ask your flight attendant for extra water.
Get up out of your seat at regular intervals to walk and stretch. You can also do exercises like toe raises, isometric exercises, stomach crunches and shoulder shrugs right in your seat. This keeps your blood flowing and prevents it from pooling at your extremities, a common phenomenon in pressurized cabins.
- Other Tips:
- Get up to wash your face, brush your teeth or just stand up for several minutes. Wear loose-fitting clothing that breathes. Bring a neck pillow, blindfold or ear plugs -- these are invaluable on red-eye flights. Also, avoid any snug footwear (high heels or tight tennis shoes); it is quite possible that your feet will swell in transit, making your post-flight trek to baggage claim a nightmare.
Some travelers use sleeping pills, antihistamines and motion sickness pills to induce sleep on planes, at hotels, in airports and on layovers. While they work for some, others are left feeling miserably groggy. Consult your doctor before taking any medication.
Some travelers use sleeping pills, antihistamines and motion sickness pills to induce sleep on planes, at hotels, in airports and on layovers. While they work for some, others are left feeling miserably groggy. Consult your doctor before taking any medication.
Light Therapy
Some researchers and enthusiasts recommend simply spending 15 - 20 minutes in direct sunlight without sunglasses as soon as possible after landing.Dietary Tactics
The so-called "jet lag diet," an alternation of feasting and fasting for three days leading up to a long-haul flight, was very popular a few years back. Ronald and Nancy Reagan used it during their White House days, and some travelers still do.
The so-called "jet lag diet," an alternation of feasting and fasting for three days leading up to a long-haul flight, was very popular a few years back. Ronald and Nancy Reagan used it during their White House days, and some travelers still do.
Caffeine is also useful if you need to stay awake, but don't go overboard. While it might seem tempting to guzzle several cups of coffee when your eyelids begin to droop, you could end up wide awake at 1 a.m. Be sure to use all dietary changes in moderation.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Are you excited yet???
Well I just have to say that I'm SOOOO excited for The Trip! I think it's even more excitement because I know what to expect & it feels as if my heart/soul is going home. If you've not been to the Holy Land yet then you'll just have to trust me & take my word for it until you experience it yourself :)
Now to address a few things.
I created this blog for several reasons:
Now to address a few things.
I created this blog for several reasons:
- To communicate better/quicker to those who are going & have lots of questions (which I'm MORE than happy to answer the best I can!)
- For our family & friends to keep up with us & our trip since communication can be difficult & expensive
- Also, while we're there in the Holy Land...each of us will be able to log in & post our thoughts on the day, post pictures, & share the moment with those who will be wanting to keep up with our progress
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